





上周,教授12年级社会正义学课(Social Justice)的Mr. Greenham根据当下社会热点问题,选取了女权主义作为本次的研究课题,要求学生自行查找文件资料,选取不同的视角来完成本次制作主题海报的作业。




Social Justice is a new course for me, because I never had it before. I am proud to discuss social issues with Mr. Greenham in Social Justice class. In this course, the whole class discussed social hot issues together, found their root causes, and had examples to exercise our ability to     observe problems from different directions. For this time, our homework is to show students around the world hot topics in the form of posters. For example, I'm talking about the women's rights movement in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries.


社会正义学是一门全新的课程,因为我从来没有接触过这门功课。我很自豪能够和Mr. Greenham一起在社会正义学这门课上讨论各种社会热点问题。在这门课上全班同学一起讨论社会热点问题,寻其根源,有充分的机会锻炼我们从不同的方向观察问题的能力。我们这次的作业是通过海报的形式向同学们展示世界各地的热点话题。比如说我研究讨论的是美国在十九世纪到二十世纪女权运动。

——高三16班  Vivian 由静怡



The recent poster campaign of Social Justice 12 aims to allow students to search for examples that women have been discriminated against because of their gender, encouraging us to analyze and understand the positive impact of genuine feminism on our society. Feminism pursues     gender equality in terms of basic human rights, granting females the power that is righteously theirs. (eg. suffrage) On the way to an  authentically equal society, everyone is responsible for it's the only possible way to be thoroughly civilized as a society.



——高三15班 Cathy 陈虹羽




Recently, we did a project in our Social Justice class. We need to choose a topic about women rights and make a poster. My topic is a         universal phenomenon called "Women worked more than men but are paid less". I found that this phenomenon was serious in the past because   there were more discriminations on women and women had few chances to have education, while it can be solved gradually in some countries   now. By this project, I learnt a lot and I hope that we can learn more information about women rights.


最近,我们在Social Justice(社会正义学)上做了一个“项目作业”。我们需要选择一个关于女权的话题并制作一个海报。我的话题是一个普遍的现象,叫做“女性工作比男性多,但收入却比男性少”。我发现这种现象在过去是很严重的,因为在过去对女性的歧视更多,并且女性接受教育的机会很少,而如今在一些国家这个事情可以逐步解决。通过这个作业,我学到了很多,我希望我们可以了解更多关于女权的信息。

——高三16班 Katie 张林涵



The poster we made describes various problems of women discrimination in the world. I mainly focused on the global issue that the             discrimination on women in workplace, the purpose of which is to emphasize gender equality and improve workplace harmony. Although every country has been trying to create an equal society, women are still vulnerable group sometimes. Thus, the problem is waiting to solve, and         women do need to stand for themselves.



——高三15班  Sophia 潘新宇






