为希望奔跑——记青岛九中中加班第二届Terry Fox Run


九月,在秋高气爽的日子里,一场以爱与希望为名的活力奔跑拉开帷幕这是一种勇往直前的力量,更是一种令人坚定信念永不言弃精神——Terry Fox Run 2019,让我们再一次起跑!


活动开始前,中加班的全体教师和学生来到学术报告厅一同观看了Terry Fox的记录片——再次感受英雄坚毅的精神和博大的胸怀,理解奉献的意义,明白所有的汗水和坚持都将值得被肯定,所有的热忱和能量都源自生生不息的善意与希望。



关于Terry Fox


Terry Fox was a Canadian athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research activist. After losing his leg to cancer at only 18 years of age, Terry set out to do the impossible: run across Canada, one marathon a day, in pursuit of his dream to find a cure for cancer.Terry Fox 曾是一名田径运动员人道主义者和癌症研究活动家。18岁时患上癌症并失去了右腿,之后Terry下定决心挑战极限:跑步贯穿加拿大,来追求他寻找治愈癌症的梦想。


In 1980 Terry's journey to raise money for cancer research began and he called it the Marathon of Hope. With fierce determination and hope, Terry completed an average of 42 km each day, every day for 143 days. He ran a total of 5277 km.1980年,Terry为癌症研究筹集资金的旅程开始了,他称之为希望马拉松。凭借强烈的决心和希望,Terry平均每天奔跑42公里,如此坚持了143天,他一共跑了5272公里。


Terry was forced to end his run on September 1,1980 when the cancer spread to his lungs.1980年9月1日,当癌症蔓延到他的肺部时,Terry被迫结束了他的跑步。


Terry died in June 1981 but his legacy of hope inspired a nation to be part of the solution to cancer. His vision remains alive today through the work of The Terry Fox Foundation and Terry Fox supporters around the world.Terry于1981年6月去世,但他遗留下来的精神激励了加拿大全国人民,并成为了癌症解决方案的一部分。通过Terry Fox基金会和Terry Fox支持者在世界各地的努力,他的愿望在一步步实现。


Terry has proven that as humans, we are capable of more and that even something small can have a huge impact. Fox's heroic status has been attributed to his image as an ordinary person attempting a remarkable and extraordinary feat. Others have argued that Fox's greatness derives from his audacious vision, his determined pursuit of his goal and his ability to overcome challenges.Terry的英雄事迹流传归功于他虽然为普通人,却仍然挑战并尝试卓越和非凡的壮举。其他人则认为,Terry的伟大之处源于他无畏的视野,对目标的坚定追求,以及能够克服挑战的能力。


Terry was named one of Canada’s most inspirational and recognizable sports figures and as one of Canada's greatest heroes.如今,Terry被评为加拿大最具激励性和家喻户晓的体育人物之一。



简单的动员和热身后,中加班全体师生激昂地开始奔跑,脚步不仅带风,更带着对未来的希望。虽然满头大汗,却在奔跑中享受到运动带来的快乐与力量,并深刻体会到Terry Fox的坚韧和不易。





    本次Terry Fox Run活动不仅仅是一次简单的奔跑,更是通过奔跑来传扬Terry Fox坚持不懈、永不放弃的精神,同时学生们懂得爱学会爱爱自己爱别人Terry Fox曾说:I believe in miracles. I have to.我们都知道,以爱之名的奔跑,永远都没有终点正如同学们追寻梦想的脚步一样,从不停歇

