







Today was my first time to have Christmas in CQSS. I felt very excited and curious about it. After a long-time hard work, we finished a beautiful gingerbread house. Although it's not perfect, i still feel satisfied. 今天是我第一次在CQSS过圣诞节,我感到十分激动和好奇。过了一段时间的努力,我们完成了一个漂亮的姜饼屋,尽管不是很完美,但是我依然觉得很满足。

---10b Leo   高一十六班  张瀚文

Our gingerbread house is made of 5 sticks and a lot of biscuits. We used 5 sticks to support all the biscuits. Finally, one of the sticks was broken. 我们的姜饼屋是由5根棒子和一堆饼干做成的。我们用5根棒子来支撑所有的饼干。但最后,其中一根断了。

---11a  Gavin 高二14   王瀚民

Today is my first time to make a gingerbread house and it changed my view. I thought that it was easy to make a gingerbread house before, since I often catch sights of elegant gingerbread houses in bakeries and movies, but actually, it's difficult to make biscuits concatenate and its even harder to make the house solid. After this experience, I comprehended an old Chinese saying more deeply, which is you can't understand a thing completely unless you try it in person.


---10a Camille 高一15  赵一宁


Today, we held a concert to celebrate Christmas. Each class had a program and our class performed a drama. I played the role of a reindeer. The duty of the reindeer was singing. Everyone was happy and I had great fun taking part in the drama. Although I was a bit nervous, I am looking forward to the next Christmas concert!今天,我们举办了一场音乐会来庆祝圣诞节。每个班级都有一个节目,我们班的节目是一出音乐剧。我在里面演驯鹿,任务是唱歌。每个人都很开心,能够参与其中我感到很开心,尽管还是有一点紧张。我对下一次的圣诞音乐会充满了期待!

---10b Kiki 高一十六班  曲艺

That was the most wonderful Christmas I have ever hadand it was also my first Christmas concert. Every class performed amazinglyand teachers gave us a super surprise. We all laughed for a long time, and the atmosphere was great. It made us feel more like home. I can't wait to join the next Christmas concert!这是我度过的最棒的圣诞节, 也是我第一个圣诞音乐会。每个班都表演的特别出色, 老师们也给我们了一个巨大的彩蛋!我们都笑了很久,当时的气氛真的超级棒!这个集体 让我感觉越来越像家。我已经等不及下一个圣诞音乐会了!

---10a  Kristen    高一15  李佳颖

It was the first Christmas concert for me in CQSS, and I really enjoyed it. My classmates and I did a pretty good job in singing and choral reading, and I am proud of ourselves. I also learned to try my best, be nice to each other and enjoy my life. I won't forget this Christmas, and I love my friends and CQSS!这是我在CQSS度过的第一个圣诞节,我享受了这段时光。我和我的小伙伴们在诗朗诵和合唱节目中表现的很出众,我为我们感到自豪。我还领悟到了要坚持不懈,善待身边的每一个人,以及学会享受生活中的乐趣。我不会忘记这个圣诞节,我爱CQSS,我爱我的朋友们!

---10a  Anderson 高一15  孙嘉舜

I've just enjoyed a wonderful Christmas concert with all my schoolmates in CQSS. We shared a lot of fun through singing Christmas songs. I would never forget how amazing my teachers were in the last show.CQSS的同学们齐聚一堂,享受了这场美妙的圣诞音乐会。我们班的同学们用圣诞欢歌分享了快乐。而加方老师们别具一格的压轴演出更是令人难忘。

---11b  Andy   高二15  于开元

This Christmas concert was so amazing. The whole class put a lot of effort and energy into preparing the show. All the other shows were great. The last show performed by the teachers was so funny. It's interesting to see the teachers being in our place. I laughed really hard. I think this concert was a great opportunity for the teachers and students to bond together with each other.这次圣诞音乐会真的很棒!全班同学都为准备节目投入了很多精力。其他的节目也非常精彩。最后老师们表演的节目十分搞笑。看见老师们作为学生很有趣,我笑的很开心!我认为这次音乐会是让老师和同学们联系感情的很好机会。

---11a  Tracy  高二十四班   刘路宁

This is the third and the last time that I celebrated Christmas in CQSS. Our class sang three classic Christmas songs, and other classes also presented wonderful shows including dramas and dances. It is a chance for us to get to know each other better and tie us close together. With no doubt, I appreciated the enjoyment with the schoolmates and all the amazing teachers.这是我在CQSS度过的第三个也是最后一个圣诞节。我们班全体同学合唱了三首经典的圣诞歌曲,其他班级也展示了精彩纷呈的各式节目,包括舞蹈和短剧。这是一个让我们更加了解和珍惜对方的一个机会,同时将我们紧紧的联系在了一起。毫无疑问的,我感谢这样一个能与同学和老师一起度过的充满欢笑的节日。

---12a  Jenny  高三14   栾之田

I would say this is the best Christmas concert everAt least I felt engaged and had a sense of fulfillment. That is the first time I felt I can be a friend with the teachers. I want to say thanks to all the teachers for giving me the chance to be their student.我觉得这次音乐会真的很好, 至少我感觉特别开心,这是我在CQSS最开心的一次圣诞音乐会。而且我觉得这个校长真的好能和我们打成一片,下次我想有机会弹琴感谢他。

---12b Allen  高三15  孙兆福

It was a great concert with interesting shows and activities. We had a lot of fun at that time. This is the last Christmas that I  could spend together with my families and friendsso I really cherished it. This concert left a deep impression on me. Thanks to all the performers who gave us a perfect show.有趣的节目和活动,让这次圣诞音乐会非常棒,而且我们都玩得很开心。下个圣诞节,我可能就无法跟家人和朋友在一起度过了,所以,我很珍惜这次机会。这次音乐会让我印象深刻,感谢所有参加的同学和老师,是你们让这个圣诞变得完美。

---12b  Sylvia  高三15  王楠

我还是不能相信我真的被抽中一等奖! 这真的是个非常有意义的礼物,因为所有的老师还有他们的签名都在上面。当我听到我的数字被叫到的时候,我太惊讶和兴奋以至于除了尖叫都说不出话。我快跑到舞台上,小心的领取了这份意义重大的礼物。这真的是我收到的最棒的圣诞礼物!I still cannot believe it was really me who got the first present! It is such a meaningful present because all the teachers, as well as their signatures, are on the photo. Being utterly astonished and excited, I couldn't even speak a full sentence by the time my number was called except only exclaiming surprisingly. I dashed onto the stage and took that prize with great care. I dare to say that this is my best Christmas gift ever!

---12b  Kerry   高三15  程依宁



加方校长Mr. Bartley可是音乐会上的大忙人,一会儿给“学生们”上课,一会儿化身圣诞老人给同学们发礼物,还要时不时的客串一下主持人。




 Merry Christmas to you all!

