



Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci

莱昂纳多··芬奇 《蒙娜丽莎》




This painting is very famous and beautiful. It gives people a sense of quiet smile, sometimes serious, and sometimes a touch of sadness. The dim shadows appear and disappear from time to time, and there is no clear boundary, giving a sense of uncertainty. Generally, people's mood can only be judged by the corner of their mouths and eyes, but Da Vinci's paintings are looming and unpredictable. This painting expresses the elegant and serene typical image of women.


这幅画非常有名,漂亮。画中蒙娜丽莎的微笑给人一种宁静的感觉神态既让人感觉有些严肃,又透露出一丝淡淡的忧伤。淡淡的影子若隐若现,给人一种模糊的感觉。 一般来说,人们对画中人物的情绪只能通过嘴角和眼睛的角度来判断,但达芬奇的画作是隐隐约约、难以猜测的。这幅画表达了女性优雅、安详的典型形象。


In the process of studying history, I was very interested in the Renaissance. The painting Smile of Mona Lisa vividly reflects the ideas of that period. Mona Lisa represents the aesthetic direction of that period; the deep and noble ideological quality of women reflected in this work reflects the aesthetic concept and aesthetic pursuit of women's beauty in the Renaissance.



---10-1 Jennifer Chen 高一13班 陈思洁






I started playing piano from the age of four, and it was boring for me as a child to sit on the bench and practice the same songs again and again. However, writing homework and reviewing for study became the most important thing as I was growing and I started to miss the old days, because playing the piano can adjust my mood during the intense study time. What I want to say is we all need to learn to cherish and make each day meaningful.



---10-1 Krystal Sun 高一13孙雨萌


Boy Blowing Bubbles by Edouard Manet





When I chose this painting, I was very interested in blowing bubbles, so I just wanted to try it and made fun of myself. Under the painter’s brush, a simple plot of real life is displayed and the painter drew every detail very carefully.



                     ---10-2 Lauren Wang 高一14王怡宁


